Posse is the newest hip thing in social media but don't let that fool you - this is one thought out gem of an idea. Taking the best of Yelp, Foursquare, and Facebook, and adding adorable graphic design; no matter where you are Posse knows the best of the best that's around. No longer must you struggle through retail and dining inadequacy.
I originally joined the Posse family as a Brisbane intern, and was selected to get the word out by taking part in a program that encompassed marketing, blogging, networking, growth analysis and community management. Activities I partook in involved introducing people to the site, monitoring its use, connecting with local retailers, and brainstorming guerrilla marketing ideas.
The company’s ethos was so rewarding that after I relocated to New York City, I stayed on as a freelance Content Contributor. During my time with them I wrote numerous articles including Eight Best Brisbane Brunches, Gluten-Free New York and Fun & Mind-Broadening Classes in New York.