This website belongs to Tess Cameron. She likes words, convincing people to buy things they don’t need, capybaras, and talking about herself in the third person.
Over the past 10 years, Tess has absorbed knowledge in the marketing and publicity worlds from employment in the franchise, arts, gambling and fashion industries. She’s also refined her ability to know when a sausage dog is close by.
Tess' last role was as Assistant Marketing Manager at haircare franchise giant, Price Attack.
She is currently open to marketing and communications roles, both in Brisbane and remote.
Tess has a Bachelor of Mass Communication (Public Relations, Media Communications, Fashion) which she gained at the Queensland University of Technology. She’s still hurt they haven’t chosen her to be in one of their “real world” advertisements, especially as she used to live in New York.
Check out her full portfolio here then say hi – she doesn’t bite (unless you’re a wheel of cheese).